



2024-07-21 07:22:20 来源:网络


implication for是什么意思??
1.Just as important is the implication for politics.这个事实对于政治来说同样有着重要的意义🐞|🥏。2.Trade in tasks also generates a significant implication for trade agreements.任务贸易也对贸易协定产生了重要的影响😶_*。
implication 英[ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃn] 美[ˌɪmplɪˈkeʃən]n. 含义💥-🥀; 含蓄🪢——|😞🎋,含意🎫😽|——🥇🦫,言外之意😽-_🌲😻; 卷入🐔_|⛅️🧶,牵连🤗🦡——🏓,牵涉🦋😧-🕊🐏,纠缠⚡️🌼_🌈🦟; [逻辑学] 蕴涵😉🌱_|*,蕴含🌜🌈|-😾🐌;[例句]One obvious implication for managers at all levels of an organizat有帮助请点赞🌵_🖼🪁。


implication for 对到此结束了?🎏||🌩。 的牵连🕹——🥎,
have implication for是什么意思??
Fungicide for control of potato late blight inHeilonggiang.本研究对在黑龙江省科学合理地使用苯基酰胺类杀菌剂防治马铃薯晚疫病具有重要意义🐌🐦——|🐁。 the implication for this one is that if she had realized you wouldn'thave gotten scratched.所以这个意味着🐘🌵__🐚,如果她意识到了🌈-🐡🤒,你就不会被挠😸-_🐼。
回答🙀*-😍🌼:介词短语for teacher training(相当于of teacher training )在这里作定语*🐕_🐙,修饰implications(作用👺——☘🐦,意义等), 即教师培训的意义🦨🥇|_🎉。类似例子🐤|-🌚:the school for = the girl(s) / girls'school女子学校🐐|_🦍。翻译👺--🦆🎖:该报告详述了教师培训的意义*🌴_🐦。
discussion and implication 什么意思??
implication.KK [͵ɪmplɪˋkeʃən] DJ [͵impliˋkeiʃən]1. 牵连😻👻-🎏; 涉及🤠——🎽; 卷入[U][(+in)].The driver's implication in the crime was never proved. 司机与那起案件有牵连一事从未得到证实😖🐁__🦚。2.含意🦒__😍😟; 言外之意🎆_😀; 暗示[C][U][+that][(后面会介绍🎋-🪱。
3🎲-_😝💀、The implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible🏅|🤫。言外之意就是🐅——🐵,没有任何在那银行的人是有责任的🪄*——_🧵。4🏵🌧——*、I would not be responsible for my actions if I saw him😞——-🐘🐿。我要是见到他🥈——_🙄,就不会对我的行为负责♟🐂——🌕。5🌈|🪄🎗、We will be responsible for the upkeep of the access road后面会介绍🌞-🎲。
The idea of racism is a theme in the story, for the implication of the husband’s racism is what causes the couple to quarrel.种族主义是故事中的一个主题🐃-🦜,因为丈夫的种族主义意味着导致夫妻争吵的原因🌾-|🐵。重点词汇idea 主意; 想法; 概念; 构思; 印象; 意见; 看法; 信念🎣😿||☘️🐏。raci是什么😖🦉-|😧🤮。
meaning ['mi:niŋ]n.1. the message that is intended or expressed or signified例句🦚——🏅: what is the meaning of this sentence 2. the idea that is intended例句⭐️😣-_🐂🎖: What is the meaning of this proverb? in significance or implication例句😚🌥——_🐀: a meaning lookpregnant with meaning 希望你能满意🍀☘️——|😊🐀。